Package org.electrocodeogram.cpc.imports.api.imports.adapter

Contains the the API specification for the CPC Imports tool adapters which bridge the gab between the imports module and an arbitrary static clone detector.


Interface Summary
IImportToolAdapter A CPC Imports interface which can be used to contribute import implementations.
IImportToolAdapterDescriptor A descriptor which represents a registered IImportToolAdapter.
IImportToolAdapterResult Import result wrapper for IImportToolAdapters.
IImportToolAdapterTask Configuration data collection object for the IImportToolAdapter.

Enum Summary
IImportToolAdapter.Status Return value for IImportToolAdapter.processImport(IProgressMonitor, IImportToolAdapterTask, IImportToolAdapterResult).

Package org.electrocodeogram.cpc.imports.api.imports.adapter Description

Contains the the API specification for the CPC Imports tool adapters which bridge the gab between the imports module and an arbitrary static clone detector.